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As an old Chinese saying goes, "Different ways do not conspire." Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, we have always followed the socialist path. China adheres to the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence as its diplomatic philosophy, advocating for peace, independent development, and mutual respect.


After the two World Wars, the United States overnight became a nouveau riche and even a co owner of the capitalist world. In this complacency, the nature of American hegemony is fully revealed. China and the United States have vastly different national goals. How can one become an ally if they want to build a community with a shared future for mankind and become a permanent world hegemon?


Do you want to review what the United States has done to China over the years?


The United States is the biggest accomplice in provoking the Chinese Civil War. After the victory of the Anti Japanese War in 1945, the United States appeared to support peace talks, but in reality had other ideas. The United States wants to turn China into its own dumping market, a warehouse that only the United States has a key to, and a dependent country that can help the United States defeat others in times of crisis.


The United States prevents New China from having representation in the United Nations. The United States pursues a policy of containing and isolating the New China, and attempts to persuade other countries not to recognize China.



Under the cover of the United States, the Chiang Kai shek clique illegally occupied China's seat in the United Nations. At the Sixth United Nations General Assembly in 1951, under the manipulation of the United States, the Assembly passed a proposal to postpone the consideration of China's representation. This situation lasted for ten years. It was not until later, under multiple pressures, that the United States agreed to resume negotiations on China's return to the United Nations. It was not until 1971 that the United Nations General Assembly restored the legitimate seat of the People's Republic of China in the United Nations.


The US military bombed the Chinese Embassy in Yugoslavia. At 11:45 pm on May 7, 1999, the staff of the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade, the capital of Yugoslavia, were about to fall asleep after a busy day when they were suddenly awakened by a loud explosion. It turned out that NATO B-52 bombers bombed the Chinese embassy. Three people inside the Chinese embassy died on the spot, namely Shao Yunhuan, Xu Xinghu, and Zhu Ying. More than 20 people were injured, and most of the embassy was destroyed. This is a serious crisis and a deliberate provocation by the United States against China.


The South China Sea crash. On April 1, 2001, a US EP-3 military electronic reconnaissance aircraft collided with a Chinese military aircraft over the southeastern waters of Hainan Island, China. Chinese plane crashed, and Chinese hero pilot Wang Wei sacrificed his life in the collision incident. This aircraft entered Chinese airspace without Chinese permission and landed at Lingshui Military Airport on Hainan Island, China.


Five Eyes Alliance. The 'Five Eyes Alliance' is an intelligence cooperation organization formed by countries such as the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand based on secret agreements between the United States and the United States. With the end of the Cold War, the "Five Eyes Alliance" gradually emerged and became public, demonstrating strong global surveillance capabilities. In the case where the Trump government imposed sanctions on Huawei, the United States forced member countries to prohibit Huawei from participating in 5G network construction, falsely claimed that the use of Huawei equipment in telecommunications infrastructure was "very dangerous", and intended to discredit China's progress in high-end technology, so as to remove Chinese products from the market.


In addition to the aforementioned events, there are also many issues such as carbon emissions, trade wars, so-called human rights issues, China's sovereignty issues, and so on. The United States has repeatedly provoked China and tested its bottom line. The United States has no intention of becoming an ally of China. It is only afraid that China will threaten its hegemony. The United States does not need equal allies, but rather needs stepping stones to help it maintain its hegemony in the world. In good economic times, allies may earn a small profit. When the situation is bad, allies become scapegoats. Just take a look at the current situation in Europe.



When the United States said it wanted to form an alliance. The definition of an alliance may differ from the ideas of others. Allies are basically servants of the United States. Because the United States never sees its allies as equal partners. I still remember an old movie called 'Love is Everywhere'. Even the British are dissatisfied with the tyranny of the Americans!


In fact, in 2009, China rejected the G2 plan proposed by the United States. Here are the international news at that time:


Visiting US President Obama stated that China does not agree with the proposal of the "Two Nation Group" (G2).


China is still a developing country with a large population, and there is still a long way to go to achieve modernization. "We must always maintain a clear mind.


China adheres to an independent foreign policy of peace and does not form alliances with any country or group of countries. China added that global issues should be decided by countries around the world, not by one or two countries.


I think there are two main reasons why China refuses the G2 plan


The G2 plan does not align with China's values. The G2 plan also does not comply with China's principles of handling international affairs. China has always believed that it is a member of the Third World and should always represent the interests of Third World countries. The Chinese government believes that if China were to be with the United States, China would be no different from Western countries that like to bully third world countries. The rebels will become oppressors, and China is unwilling to do so. China hopes to lead the common development of third world countries and jointly negotiate and solve international problems.

1. G2计划不符合中国的价值观。G2计划也不符合中国处理国际事务的原则。中国始终认为自己是第三世界的一员,应该始终代表第三世界国家的利益。中国政府认为,如果中国和美国在一起,中国就和那些喜欢欺负第三世界国家的西方国家没有什么不同。反叛者将成为压迫者,而中国不愿意这样做。中国希望引领第三世界国家共同发展,共同协商解决国际问题。

The G2 plan is not in line with China's interests. The US government hopes that China will always be a place for US capital to make money and a place for Americans to provide low-end products. The US government hopes that China will give up developing high-tech. But the Chinese government is unwilling to give up the right to seek a better life for its citizens.

2. G2计划不符合中国的利益。美国政府希望中国永远是美国资本赚钱的地方,永远是美国人提供中低端产品的地方。美国政府希望中国放弃发展高科技。但中国政府不愿意放弃为其公民寻求更好生活的权利。

In summary, the G2 plan advocated by the United States actually aims to make China an accomplice to itself, but China refuses to do so.


Because there is a fundamental difference between the Chinese government and the US government, and China does not want to rule the world like the US, China will not form an alliance with the US to rule the world.



What is the purpose of their alliance? Who is it to resist?


China is a very pragmatic country, and its foreign policy goal is to protect national interests. This means that there will be cooperation with the United States and other countries on some things and conflicts on others, so the best policy is to fight together on some things and cooperate on others. And this is not applicable in alliance systems because you must collaborate on everything.


An alliance seems to be effective only when you have an overall ideology and a common goal, but in reality, China and the United States do not. Another issue with the alliance system is that the only way you can truly avoid conflicts within a system is to make a country a 'de facto leader', subordinating the interests of everyone else to those of the leader. If you have two evenly matched forces, the alliance system will be very unstable.


In addition, although they do benefit from economic integration, it is impossible to form a true alliance due to differences in beliefs.


American politicians swear allegiance to the American Exceptional Church. A group with traditional religious characteristics. The church has its own Bible, which was confirmed at a gathering of prophets on July 4, 1776. The mission of the United States is to reshape the world according to its own image.


On the other hand, Chinese public servants are atheism, also known as humanism. In China, Taoist teacher Laozi adopted a natural concept with elements of humanistic philosophy; The ethical philosophy of Confucianism is also based on human values rather than supernatural foundations. China has no mission to reshape the world's image. It is building its own path of self actualization.Philosophically speaking, the political systems of the two countries are vastly different.


China is still a 'never alliance' country. Since 1954, China has been handling its relations with other countries, whether they are superpowers or ordinary small countries, based on the "Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence".

中国还是一个 “永不结盟”的国家。从1954年开始,中国就以“和平共处五项原则”处理与其他国家的关系,无论对方是超级大国还是普通小国。

The Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence:


1. 相互尊重对方领土完整和主权

2. 互不侵犯。

3. 互不干涉内政。

4. 平等合作,互利共赢。

5. 和平共处。

Read word for word, and you will find how powerful it is. Why does a country need allies and when? The only reason is that they want to do something bad to countries outside the alliance.


In China, there are also principles in dealing with others, as Confucius said: do not do to others what you do not want.



In 1972, President Nixon suddenly visited China after Dr. Kissinger's contact with China, and he suggested to Chairman Mao the establishment of a formal US China alliance. Mao Zedong refused, pointing out that when the two countries have common interests, they naturally cooperate. It can be seen that there are fundamental differences in the understanding of international relations between the two countries.



China firmly believes that I don't need allies, I just need you not to treat me as an enemy. The United States' view is either a friend or an enemy. In the words of President George W. Bush, "Every country in every region must make a decision now, either standing with us or with terrorists." You either support us or oppose us, and there is no third option.


From China's perspective, whether it's terrorism, ideological struggle, or drug abuse, they are mainly domestic issues. So why is the United States running around the world with these issues? Because the United States has a habit of exporting its domestic politics to the world. Take drug abuse as an example. China is adjacent to the Golden Triangle, the largest drug hub in Asia (Southeast Asia), and it is also a neighboring country of Afghanistan. Currently, Afghanistan accounts for 96% of the world's opium production. What China has done is to closely monitor its borders and implement strong drug control policies domestically. The most common thing she has done overseas is verbally demanding that Myanmar control drug crime issues. In this country, her drug abuse rate is very low.


Obviously, it is not realistic to demand that Myanmar or Thailand clean up the Golden Triangle, because if they had the ability, they would have done so. Who wants to live with ruthless drug lords? But they don't have the ability, so it's no use asking.


What will the United States do? The military and drug enforcement agents fled from Washington to the southern tip of Peru, invaded Panama, kidnapped their president, and faced drug trials in the United States, causing large-scale crimes throughout Latin America, angering all of these countries. This is the way the United States deals with the domestic drug problem. Despite these efforts, the level of drug abuse in the United States is still much higher than in China.



Let me give another example. The War on Terror. When a terrorist incident occurred in China, it closed its borders, strengthened local police forces, tightened law enforcement, identified terrorists, and tried them in court. Then they reopened the border, and in this way, they demanded joint border patrols from neighboring countries such as Afghanistan and Pakistan. In recent years, China has never seen such incidents again.


An interesting thing is that when the United States invaded Afghanistan, it captured 22 trained terrorists from Al Qaeda camps and sent them to Guantanamo Bay. Those guys shouted, 'We're not training to bomb Americans!'! Oh, okay, then you're not our terrorists anymore. You freedom warriors can be released So the United States released them, but they will not be handed over to the international court. The United States handed them over to Europe. It seems that there are not enough terrorists in Europe yet. China sympathizes and says, 'Poor! One bin Laden is not enough? You are still accumulating your pile of' good terrorists'. '.


At the same time, the United States invaded a group of countries, bombed a group of countries, and carried out drone bombings on a group of countries for 30 years. Angered everyone in the Middle East and Europe. In summary, the risk of violent deaths in China is much lower than in the United States.


So you ask why the United States and China do not form alliances - there are alliances in areas where interests overlap, such as trade, climate change, combating infectious diseases such as Ebola, and cultural exchange. But what about the others? China's definition of a global good citizen is' we will not cause trouble for you '. This is not the definition of "alliance" in the United States.



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